Today, employees seek companies that can provide perks beneficial for their daily needs— laundry service. It may be possible that not all employees have access to washers and dryers in their homes. But even for those with the needed equipment at home, it takes them an hour to do laundry. Thus, it is helpful for them when they are given the laundry stain removing as an employee perk.
Most Convenient Offer for Employees
Employees, whether living independently or with their family members, spend an average of 13 hours on household chores weekly. Most employees do their laundry on the weekend. If you help them eliminate one chore on the list, it gives them more time to relax and socialize, giving them more energy to work on weekdays.
Employers who value their employees’ time reap the benefits through their work. Employees do not even have to bring their dirty clothes to the cleaners! This perk mostly offers laundry pickup and delivery services, making it the most convenient one for employees.
Encourages Professional Appearance
If your employees do not have time to do their laundry properly, it might result in untidy work uniforms. Giving them the advantage of having a professional laundry service helps them have a clean and tidy uniform. Aside from the professional results, the laundry service allows your employees to look fresh and professional daily.
Improves Employee Satisfaction and Productivity
Choosing the right employee perk is a challenge. You have to ensure it satisfies your employees. When you offer laundry service as an employee perk, they will most likely stay with your company. Employees would love to work for companies that help make their lives easier.
An improved work-life balance among employees results in advantages for employers. Most employees have lesser productivity because of their little time for rest; besides their obligations at work, they have responsibilities to maintain a harmonious home.
Offering laundry service means they have one less job on their list of responsibilities at home. It allows them to rest and recharge for work.
Makes Job Offer More Competitive
There is a tight competition in hiring skilled employees, and it has become more challenging to retain these employees. Several companies offer free lunches and snacks or make their offices pet-friendly. But, laundry service is an attractive choice for employees because it eliminates a daunting household chore.
Some employees love to prepare their meals, while others do not prefer having a pet in the office because of their allergies. Laundry service is an option that is rising in popularity. Thus, you have to consider offering laundry pickup and delivery, and it helps you boost your hiring and retention rates.
Employee perks were not that popular before, but as the demographics shift, employers have to keep their employees motivated and satisfied with the salary and benefits they could provide. If you are in the managing team, propose this employee perk to your big bosses. It is an efficient strategy to encourage employees to stay with your company.