Are you going to be undergoing surgery soon? Do you have aspirations of working in the healthcare industry someday? Are you the owner of a private medical practice?
If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, questions, then you’ve probably wondered, at one point or another, how anesthesia works. Putting someone under anesthesia, whether it be general or local, is a painstaking process that requires skill and special training. Especially when placing a person under general anesthesia, there are many factors at play that need to be considered.
If you’d like to learn more about how anesthesia works within the medical industry, then this guide is for you. Read on for a rundown of everything you need to know.
Local vs General Anesthesia
First things first. You’ve probably heard of the terms local anesthesia and general anesthesia, but what do they mean and how do they differ? Both involve administering anesthetics, but there are key differences.
Local anesthesia will be injected into a particular area of the body and will numb only that part. This means the patient will be fully awake for the duration of their procedure, but won’t be able to feel any pain. With general anesthesia, however, the patient is rendered unconscious and won’t be awake for the duration of their treatment.
When Does a Person Need General Anesthesia?
Anesthesia is a type of medication that helps alleviate pain or discomfort during a procedure. What kind of anesthesia a person requires will depend on what kind of procedure they’re having. Some treatments that usually require general anesthesia include knee or hip replacements, heart surgery, as well as many types of surgical procedures to treat cancer.
General anesthesia is generally safe, but there are certain risks involved. Pain, nausea and vomiting, and cardiovascular collapse are all rare but possible side effects.
Administering Anesthesia
When an anesthesiologist is delivering medicine to a patient, they need to strike a fine balance between giving too little and giving too much. There are many different factors that can affect how much anesthetic a person will need.
The anesthesiologist will look at your sex, age, weight, and the nature of the procedure you’re about to receive. They’ll also need to consider any medications you may be taking or allergic to.
Anesthesia is administered through special medical devices known as anesthesia machines. In order to facilitate a safe operation, these machines are often used along with other devices such as ventilators, and patient monitoring devices. If you’re looking to purchase an anesthesia machine, you can find high-quality used anesthesia machines here.
General Anesthesia 101
We hope this guide has furthered your understanding of what general anesthesia is. And why it’s important.
If you’re looking for more information, you can speak to your doctors, or find a wealth of other resources online. If you’re looking for more general knowledge on a range of topics, you’ll find it all right here on our site.