Why is Energy Efficiency so Important for Modern Businesses?

Reducing your carbon footprint and energy consumption has become more important than ever, as the effects of climate change can be seen all around the globe. Not only does overconsumption affect our environment, but for businesses no matter how small or large, it can also affect their expenses and reputation. Energy efficiency should be on the to-do-list of every business, so read below and see for yourself why it is so important.

Decreased energy bills and operational cost

Although in the past, most businesses simply accepted the high costs of energy consumption, nowadays it has become essential to be more mindful of the relationship between energy efficiency and its costs. According to The Carbon Trust, a decrease in energy consumption leads to great benefits in terms of money and costs – cutting your energy costs by 20% can bring you the same benefits as a 5% increase in sales.

Becoming more energy efficient doesn’t need to be a daunting process either: whether you reduce your office heating to an average of 20˚C, turn off lights when exiting a room or turn on power-saving mode on your electronic devices, you are helping create a more energy-efficient environment for your workers and clients. Whether you do the research yourself or turn to a business energy procurement specialist, switching energy plans is also proven to help you manage costs, as it allows you to carefully select the plan that is the best suited for your business.

Positive impact on the environment

Naturally, we can’t ignore the great benefits using less energy has on our environment. Until we develop sustainable ways to procure all our energy from fully renewable sources, our current energy is, for the most part, still reliant on the burning of fossil fuels. Energy consumption is currently one of the leading causes for greenhouse gas emissions, so by reducing it, you can also reduce your contribution to worldwide pollution.

By reducing the usage of some office equipment, chances are you may reduce waste in other areas as well. For example, printers are thought to be one of the leading causes of energy waste, but by reducing their usage, you also save up on paper and ink.

It doesn’t need to stop at your business though: by building an environmentally friendly business, you can also help educate other people, from your employees and clients to the general public. Don’t underestimate the impact you may have on them: simply building awareness is often enough to make people more mindful of how they use energy – both in the office and in their own private lives.

Improved business reputation

Financial and environmental benefits are important for a business but improving the efficacy of your business’ energy consumption can also lead to great benefits in terms of brand awareness and reputation. This can help boost sales or built rapport with customers, stakeholders or suppliers, which will have long-lasting benefits on your business and earnings.

In today’s environmentally conscious society, the buying behaviour of the general public is also shifting towards greener, more sustainable businesses. Recent studies by Unilever have shown that around 33% of their customers are much more likely to buy a product from a brand that has shown initiative in tackling climate issues. Making sure your brand is also built upon these values and sharing that with people is a sure way to gain more respect and loyalty from clients. However, avoid purposefully misleading your audience by pretending to be more environmentally friendly than you are – this can lead to the exact opposite effect, making you lose the respect and recognition of your customers.


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