Every business is now online. Even if the bulk of your sales or services are offered in person, an online presence is an essential component to harness your reputation and build on customer loyalty. A website, of course, is just the start. Think of it like ground zero. It’s your face, your billboard, and it could be the location for great things. If you only have a bare-bones website, however, you are drastically missing out.
If your business is digital, then your online presence must do so much more. Having a great online presence and some key services that seamlessly blend the online with the real world won’t be enough. You need to get ahead, develop your own APIs, set new standards, and invest heavily in PR by working with a professional company like www.netreputation.com, or a similar one.
If you have a brick-and-mortar store, you have the benefit of foot traffic. Online traffic is so much more difficult to capture, but with this guide, you’ll be well on your way to getting started. Read on to find out how your business can stand out.
Establish Your Baseline
Your baseline will look different depending on your competitors. A small boutique store will have a far lower baseline than a digital software company. That’s why, before you get started, you need to conduct essential competitor research. It is always a good move to start from the foundation of your business, sites like Webpreneurships can give you some ideas about what to do to stand out from your competitors.
While yes, you do want to stand out, you don’t want to stand out for doing too little or breaking away so far from the mold that your customers simply don’t know what your business is. There are themes, design choices, and even digital tools that are common for certain types of businesses, and you need to make sure your company has those in spades.
Stand out with your service or aesthetic, but have the classic components that customers have not only come to trust, but also to expect from working with businesses like yours. So long as you have that baseline that your competitors offer, you can then work on wowing your customers from there.
Streamline API Development
Applications are the way of the future. They allow you to offer a truly innovative experience for every person involved with your business. From creating APIs that help streamline the behind-the-scenes work to creating a platform to help customers engage better with your brand and services, Sunbytes IT developers (or other developers with similar credentials) can you help you with all these.
There are no limits to APIs, but if your business isn’t committed, or at least looking into how APIs can revolutionize workflows and engagement, then you will fall behind. APIs should be developed with innovation at their core.
· Identifying Needs and Values
The first step to creating an effective API is to clearly identify your needs and values. Brainstorming and creating simple but effective tools that can then be built up is a far better approach for creating an essential platform that’s integral to your business’ success instead of a hindrance that needs to be worked around.
· Upgrade your API Management
One of the best ways to streamline development and scale reliably is with an API management platform. A cloud-based service will let you efficiently publish, consume, and secure multiple APIs and services across platforms, giving you greater control over delivery and quality control.
· Prolong Its Lifecycle
The last thing you need is an API that becomes obsolete because of upgrades or new tools. A proper management program can help extend your lifecycle. Combined, this helps boost your developer’s productivity and also makes the APIs you create more discoverable (if creating programs for customers) or reusable to internal and external teams.
· Hire Out
If it doesn’t make sense to add API development experts or teams to your business model, hire out when you need an application to help solve an issue in your workflow. You can take on freelancers or entire Dev teams and outline your needs so that they can then use those innovative tools to help create and distribute the projects your teams need to work on more efficiently.
Improving Your PR Efforts
When it comes to standing out online, you need others to talk about you. This is key for two main reasons:
The best way to get any customer to try a new product, service, or business is to have a friend recommend them. Word-of-mouth marketing is highly effective as people trust what others say about a product or service.
To succeed with any SEO strategy today, your main focus must always be on improving the experience for your site visitors – the real people coming to your website. Getting more high-quality sources to write about you and recommend your business is great marketing and an excellent reputation boost. Google, and other search engines, recognize that. That’s why backlinks are so important. They’re the digital equivalent of word-of-mouth marketing. Although backlinks should always be from high-authority sites, you should keep an eye on toxic backlinks. These links come from spammy websites with low domain authority and can harm your website’s SEO. Thus, make sure you strategize to remove these toxic links from your site.
So long as the sources talking about you link to your site, you’re boosting your backlink profile and overall online reputation. More reputable sites (those with high domain authority and a lot of links pointing towards them) will offer a larger boost to your own visibility.
How to Improve Your PR Efforts
Improving your PR efforts will take a multi-pronged effort, and while it’s similar to marketing in the traditional sense, the goal of PR is to get specific types of people or outlets to talk about you. It’s about boosting your reputation, not necessarily boosting sales. The good news for you, of course, is that investing time and energy in PR, perhaps with the help of an expert PR company such as polkadotcommunications.com.au, for example, usually helps accomplish both.
· Stay Involved with Events
One of the best ways to get your business’ name out there and noticed by the general public or the B2B clients you want to work with is to attend, chair, and even host events. Attending is step one; it’s how you can stay involved with the latest industry innovations and also how you can network. You’ll want to move your way up into becoming a panel guest or seo speaker – so get information on how to get that ball rolling as soon as you can. As you get larger, you’ll want to consider how your company can even host events, even if those are simple webinars.
You’ll want to move your way up into becoming a panel guest or even host your own panel – so get information on how to get that ball rolling as soon as you can. As you get larger, you’ll want to consider how your company can even host events, even if those are simple webinars.
· Publish Leading Content
If you want key public and field figures to write positively about you, then you need to push the envelope of your industry. Writing up reports or white papers does take time, of course, but they can be absolutely worth the investment.
Even if writing up reports isn’t on the cards right now, you can create opinion articles or blog posts. Publish some of these on your own website, and then look into getting others guest-posted elsewhere.
· Join Organizations Pushing the Industry
Many research and policy organizations that aim to push the industry forward look for brand partnerships. This is a great way to connect your brand to leading academics and figures in your field without fully investing time in developing the projects yourself.
Instead, you’ll work with academics to bring important projects to life that will help advertise your business, put your brand at the forefront as a leading brand in the eyes of the next generation, and help your company stand out.
· Work with Universities
Many of those research or policy organizations will be based, if not funded, by universities. Work with universities in many ways to once again boost your presence and attract the next generation’s talents. You can have special internship programs, for example, or you can host industry talks at universities (these are usually free for anyone to attend).
· Enter Contests
Contests are a great way to gain notoriety, boost your business’s reputation, and, if you win, an excellent value-adding commemoration you can use to help attract more customers or clients. Not all contests can be entered directly. In some cases, you may need to be nominated to even be considered. That’s where the rest of the tips in this list come into play.
Suppose you’re out there, working with organizations and key figures and helping push the envelope of your industry. In that case, there will be people who take notice who, importantly, have the power to nominate you and get the ball rolling.
· Earn Certifications
Similar to contests are labels. There are organizations out there that help those who are committed to operating with good labor practices or the environment in mind with a clear label system that they can then use to help advertise their company.
Unlike simply calling yourself an eco-friendly company, you can showcase a label that helps customers and clients understand the minimum requirements your business meets – it will be up to you to help them understand how you exceed them.
One of the top options today is to earn a B-Corp Certification. This helps customers and clients understand that your business operates with good labor practices and is committed to a brighter, greener future.
Market Your Every Effort
You’re wasting an opportunity if you aren’t also marketing every effort outlined in this guide. You should have a blog and work to release press release updates to keep the public updated with your efforts. Not only can this help you boost your marketing, but it can also help improve your overall reputation.