How to Get Better Skin with Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a quick, noninvasive cosmetic treatment. It can help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, enlarged pores, and mild acne scarring. The procedure involves spraying or brushing small crystals on your face while vacuum removes the crystals and dead skin cells. You may feel some tenderness or swelling for a few hours afterward, but it should fade quickly.

The Brightening Effects

A microdermabrasion treatment can bring dull skin back to life. It also improves outcomes and permits better skin penetration of your preferred skincare products. In addition, regular exfoliation can decrease the appearance of blemishes, age spots, uneven skin tone, and clogged pores.

Our pores can enlarge due to excess oil, pollution, and hygiene issues. However, microdermabrasion can unclog pores and prevent the formation of acne and pimples by stimulating collagen production and removing dead skin cells.

A microdermabrasion session may cause some redness afterward, but this should resolve independently with time. Immediately following the procedure, you should apply a good moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. It would help to avoid sun exposure as the newly exposed skin may be more sensitive to the sun. Book a microdermabrasion Virginia Beach consultation immediately to revitalize your tired skin and minimize the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

The Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles

In addition to smoothening out the skin’s surface, microdermabrasion can also soften shallow lines and wrinkles. The procedure also prevents minor sun damage, scars and melasma. It’s also a good treatment for acne and blackheads, although it won’t do much for cystic or inflammatory acne.

A noninvasive treatment, microdermabrasion involves a device with a gritty surface that’s used to buff away the dead skin cells from your face and neck. It doesn’t hurt, but it can make your skin feel tight and dry for a few days as the skin rebuilds its natural protection.

Before getting a microdermabrasion treatment, cleanse your face with makeup and moisturizer. It would help if you also stopped using any exfoliative products or treatments for a week before your appointment. If you’re taking the acne medicine isotretinoin, you should talk to your dermatologist before having this procedure. It’s not recommended for people with broken blood vessels (telangiectasias) or weak immune systems.

The Exfoliation Process

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure involving a wand-like device with a special tip. This tool sands away the top layer of skin, revealing newer and healthier tissue beneath. It can lessen the visibility of wrinkles, freckles, and other aging indicators.

The treatment can be performed without anesthesia, although your skin may feel slightly flushed for a few hours following treatment. Before this cosmetic procedure, discuss it with your skin care professional to ensure it is safe. It’s best to avoid using any exfoliating products at least seven days before your appointment.

The practitioner will move the handheld device over your face to gently remove the dead cells and suction them away. Some devices have diamond tips for more precise exfoliation. It is best for people with mild complexion problems, such as superficial age spots and uneven pigmentation; scaly skin lesions called keratoses; oily skin; dry or patchy skin; and clogged pores.

The Collagen Stimulation

The micro-crystals used in microdermabrasion also stimulate collagen production, which helps to give skin structure and improve its appearance. It helps to lighten scars, lessen fine lines and wrinkles, and improve skin tone.

Stimulating collagen can also help reduce pigmentation, increasing the rate at which pigment cells are replaced. It can also help to transform congested or spot-prone skin by bringing the congestion to the surface and clearing the complexion. Despite the image it may conjure up, having crystals blasted or diamond-tipped wands dragged across your face isn’t painful. The feeling is like the rough lick of a cat’s tongue or a gritty facial massage.

The treatment may cause some pinkness in the skin, but this will usually return to normal after a day or two. It’s important to protect the skin with good sunscreen and avoid excessive sun exposure afterward, as it will be more sensitive. It’s also a good idea to discontinue any exfoliative products seven days before your appointment.


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