How to Enable Accessibility on Your Website With the help of accessiBe WordPress

Accessibility is an important element of design that needs to be considered. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines the term as “the degree to which people with disabilities can use a technology or device.” Accessibility is often thought of as physical and cognitive accessibility, including other dimensions, such as hearing and vision.

There are a number of ways to make your website more accessible. One is to use the accessiBe WordPress plugin. This plugin automatically makes your site more accessible by adding features such as alt text to images, increasing font sizes, and providing keyboard navigation.


To install the accessiBe WordPress plugin, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your WordPress site and go to the Plugins page.

2. Click the “Add New” button.

3. Search for “accessiBe.”

4. Install and activate the accessiBe plugin.

5. Go to Settings > accessiBe to configure the plugin.

The accessiBe plugin provides a number of options that you can configure to make your website more accessible. These include:

1. Enable alt text for images: This setting adds alt text to images on your site, which is important for visually impaired people.

2. Increase font sizes: This setting increases the font sizes on your site, which can be helpful for people with visual impairments.

3. Enable keyboard navigation: This setting enables keyboard navigation on your site, which is important for physically impaired people.

4. Enable accessibility toolbar: This setting adds an accessibility toolbar to your site, which provides several options to make your site more accessible.

5. Enable form fields: This setting enables form fields on your site, which can be helpful for people with cognitive impairments.

6. Enable skip links: This setting adds skip links to your site, which allow people to skip over certain sections of the page.

7. Enable screen reader compatibility: This setting makes your site compatible with screen readers, which are important for visually impaired people.

8. Enable high contrast mode: This setting enables high contrast mode on your site, which can be helpful for people with visual impairments.

9. Enable lightbox mode: This setting enables lightbox mode on your site, which can be helpful for people with visual impairments.

10. Enable closed captions: This setting enables closed captions on your site, which can be helpful for people with hearing impairments.

11. Enable audio descriptions: This setting enables audio descriptions on your site, which can be helpful for people with visual and hearing impairments.

12. Enable subtitles: This setting enables subtitles on your site, which can be helpful for people with hearing impairments.

13. Custom CSS: This setting allows you to add custom CSS to your site to customize the accessibility of your site further.

14. Accessibility statement: This setting allows you to add an accessibility statement to your site.

15. Help: This setting provides links to documentation and support for the plugin.


The accessiBe WordPress plugin is a great way to make your website more accessible. It provides many features that can be helpful for people with disabilities. Installation is simple, and the plugin is easy to configure.

If you’re looking for ways to make your website more accessible, the accessiBe WordPress plugin is a great option.


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