Before building a DIY wing standard horse jump, consider the materials you will need.
Wooden Pallets
Before constructing a jump for your horse, you should know the basics. First, you should have at least 4 slats per leg. Then, you should line up the uprights to stay level. This shouldn’t be an issue if the arena’s surface is uneven. You can purchase a wooden jump at an equestrian supply store or build one home. The first step is ensuring the jump is safe for your horse. While you should never let your horse fall off a metal jump, if you do, you can injure it by accidentally knocking it off. Wooden pallets are a great option.
PVC Pipes
If you’re considering building a DIY wing standard horse jump, you’ll want to consider safety and the look of the jump. PVC pipes can be hazardous to horses because they can snap and leave sharp edges. Also, you should use wider feet to keep the jump from tipping over. Finally, you’ll want to sand the wooden parts to make them more polished.
For your DIY wing standard horse jump, you’ll need a 6 ft. PVC pipe and two posts, at least 6 feet apart. First, you’ll need to make holes for the jump cups. Typically, the cups are shallow. You should measure the height of each cup and mark it accordingly. Make sure the cups are at the same height; otherwise, your DIY wing standard horse jump will be uneven.
Carpet Fiber
Before you can build your DIY wing standard horse jump, you should ensure that you have a suitable surface. For example, a wooden surface will look more solid with white paint. Using old carpet fiber will make the jump more stable and help your horse desensitize itself to competition jumps. To make your jump more appealing, you can use poles behind it and approach it from the wrong direction to create a false ground line.
When building a DIY wing standard, it’s essential to ensure the correct height. This can be done by placing the vertical beams together and ensuring they are not too far apart. You may also consider placing a second set of standards directly behind the first one.
Wooden Or Plastic Filler
Building a DIY wing standard horse jump has a few factors to consider. Firstly, if the jump is too heavy, it won’t be easy to move it. If it is too large, you may need to retrofit it. If it is too heavy, you can always cut it in half. Otherwise, you can sell it to a big, strong person. To ensure that the jump stays upright, it should have wide feet.
Wooden surfaces should be painted with white exterior house paint. To do this, use a three-inch (7.6 cm) paintbrush to apply the paint. This paint will make the horse’s jump look nice and easy to see. If you want to use white paint, ensure that the jump is covered tightly with a sheet of paper or plastic before you start painting it.
Distance Between Each Jump
The distance between each DIY wing standard horse jump can vary greatly depending on the horse. Generally, the distance between verticals should be approximately nine feet apart and three feet above the ground. However, if your horse struggles with distance, try adjusting the jumps to fit its stride. This way, you can achieve a high-quality jump while teaching your horse to improve its balance.
One method of determining the distance between each DIY wing fence is calculating the horse’s stride length. This method is not recommended for stallions. It also increases the horse’s risk of rails.
Cost Of Building A Wing Standard Horse Jump
A DIY wing horse jump can be constructed with wood or metal. The basic design is two horizontal poles and a pair of wings. A horse can jump as high as 12 feet on a DIY wing, and this structure is safe and fun to build. The wings can be painted white or any other color that is bright and attractive. There are several different types of paints, including acrylic and wood stain.
Before starting your DIY project, you should determine the height of the wing and the poles. To create a high-quality jump, you must use a sturdy PVC pipe and poles 6 feet apart. You can use old split rails from your neighbor’s property for a lower cost. Split rails are durable and attractive, and they’re also affordable. Ensure you measure the distance between each post and the cup to get the proper height.