Losing a limb is undoubtedly one of the most devastating experiences in life. Along with the emotional impact, the amputation could result in heavy financial losses. However, if the accident happened due to someone else’s negligence, you can ask for compensation in court. You should get legal help from an amputation lawyer and start the procedure to obtain financial compensation for your loss.
Amputation injuries can be devastating and life-changing, and they often result in a significant loss of enjoyment of life for the victim. Victims can sometimes be forced to struggle with psychological, physical, and financial consequences and lose the ability to continue working in their current field of employment. It means they cannot continue supporting themselves and their families.
What is considered a loss due to an amputation?
Not all personal injury claims are equal in terms of recoverable damages. The compensation should include medical bills, lost wages, and incidental expenses. However, people usually forget about the pain and suffering that person has. Pain and suffering refer to both physical pain and emotional distress since the victim experienced the aftermath of a dangerous accident.
The attorney will consider several important facts when estimating the amount to ask for in the lawsuit; visit this Site to know more. It also varies depending on the cause of injury; for instance, a construction lawyer considers a few different aspects than others to ensure the victim gets their desired reimbursement.
Some of the factors they will consider are mental and emotional anguish, the degree and duration of physical pain, physical pain’s effect on sleep habits, how it affects other health factors, how it alters the daily routine of the victim, including the ability to enjoy life’s pleasures, and psychological issues like depression, disorder, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, panic attacks, and more.
The serious side effects of amputation are also crucial for people who have lost a limb. They include chronic fatigue, deep vein thrombosis, social isolation, painful muscle contractions, severe depression, phantom limb pain, diminished quality of life, risk of infection, difficulty working, and loss of mobility and agility. Unfortunately, these consequences are far-reaching and depend on the person and type of amputation.
Professional personal injury attorneys in Glendale, or anywhere else, should consider a list of additional consequences of limb loss that affect the person’s everyday life. Losing a leg could be difficult for anyone, but for an athlete, it could be devastating. Those are factors that the attorney must take into consideration when asking for compensation.
Which losses of enjoyment of life do victims of an amputation usually have?
Although money cannot replace the life you had before the accident, it could help you to make these problems more accessible and acceptable and finance prosthetics and needed medical care in these cases. Here are some examples of the losses of enjoyment of life that a victim of an amputation injury may sustain:
Loss of physical function
The loss of a limb or body part can significantly impact a victim’s physical function and ability to perform everyday activities. They may no longer be able to perform activities they once enjoyed, such as sports or hobbies, or even simple tasks, such as driving or cooking.
Emotional distress
The trauma of losing a limb or body part can cause significant emotional distress, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Loss of independence
The victim may lose their independence as they may require assistance with daily activities and may no longer be able to work.
Social isolation
The victim may feel isolated from family and friends and may struggle to participate in social activities they once enjoyed.
Financial burden
The victim may incur significant medical expenses and may no longer be able to work, resulting in financial hardship.
Pain and discomfort
The victim may experience phantom limb pain, which is a sensation of pain in the amputated limb, as well as residual limb pain, which is a pain in the remaining part of the limb.
Reduced life expectancy
Depending on the severity of the amputation injury and the victim’s overall health, their life expectancy may be reduced.
When does amputation happen?
Motor vehicle accidents – involve cars, buses, trucks, trains, and more, causing devastating physical injuries;
Construction accidents – most of them involve falls, heavy materials, and other dangerous conditions;
Criminal activity – driven by gunshot assault and other acts of physical violence;
Heavy machinery – usually similar to motor vehicle accidents, but heavy machinery is used in many professions and at work;
Chronic illness – although it is not generally considered eligible for personal injury claims, a common cause of medical amputation is a chronic condition such as diabetes.