American College of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine is known around the USA and indeed around the world for its in-depth post-graduate courses which teach the history and the use of Oriental medicine and acupuncture. These are traditional medicinal methods and techniques which are still very much alive in the modern day. In fact more and more people are turning to these types of treatments rather than those of modern medicine, which in turn has sparked renewed interest in the subjects.
This college is situated in Houston, Texas and across 6 on-campus schools they have thousands of students who arrive here from all over the country. Past and present students alike have spoken glowingly about the college and its programs and here are just a handful of benefits which you can count on if you study here.
Benefits of the Material
Study ancient medicine and acupuncture is not only fascinating but it can help you greatly in your life. When you learn about the ways of Oriental medicine you will begin to take better care of yourself as a result and you will also be able to help friends and family with any healthcare needs. The skills which you learn here can be taken into modern medicine courses, you can start your own practice or indeed you can go on to teach this topic in the future.
There are many small courses which the college offers but in terms of post-grad there are really 4 main courses which students focus on.
- Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
- Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
- Master of Integrative Healthcare Leadership
- Master of Integrative Wellness Management
As you can see from the courses the two Masters courses focus on administration and leadership within healthcare, and the two doctor programs focus on a deeper understanding of Oriental medicine and how it can be safely and efficiently practiced. Both Masters courses are 1 year in total and the Doctorates are 4 years of study respectively.
The lecturers and the staff which you will find here in the college are of the very highest level and many of theme have trained in Oriental medicine and Chinese medicine in Asia which they have then brought back with them to the USA. Thanks to pairings with no less than 8 sister schools in China, the college can ensure that it has a constant flow of highly skilled teachers coming to the university.
Within the walls of the college there is a clinic which is dedicated to Oriental medicinal practices and acupuncture and this gives students the opportunity to lear and practice what they are learning on real patients. This gives a learning experience like no other and it can help students to gain hands-on experience of what they are learning about in the classroom.
If you want to study traditional medicine then there is no better place to do it.