When you think of sugar, the negative connotations probably come to mind: empty calories, bad for your teeth, leads to obesity, weakens your immune system… you get the idea. But not all sugars are created equal. There are many different types of sugar packed with essential vitamins and minerals, as well as other healthful benefits.
You just need to realize why you need it and how to incorporate it into your diet in a healthy way. Including more sugar in your diet can be beneficial if you do so in a strategic way. Not only does it make certain foods taste better, but it also increases their nutritional value by unlocking the potential of other vitamins and minerals like beta-carotene and lutein in carrots and lycopene in tomatoes.
When used correctly, sugar can be a healthy part of your diet that offers numerous benefits. Here are seven signs that suggest you need more sugar in your life:
You have constant cravings for sweets
When people are not getting enough nutrients from their diet, they get the feeling of craving something sweet. Sugars are one of the first things that your body starts to crave when it doesn’t have enough nutrients to operate optimally. For people with sweet teeth and find it difficult to resist foods like cookies, cakes, and other sugary treats, you may be low in certain vitamins and minerals.
For example, an iron deficiency is common among women and can lead to an increased desire for sweets, especially at certain times of the month when the iron levels are already lower. Iron is a crucial nutrient for your body because it is responsible for transporting oxygen to our cells.
When you don’t have enough iron in your system, you will constantly crave sugary foods. This happens because your body is craving that extra boost of energy that iron provides.
Your diet is lacking in vegetables and fruits
If your diet doesn’t contain enough vegetables and fruits, you will likely experience many of the negative effects of a low-sugar diet. Fruit and egetables are packed with nutrients that your body needs to operate optimally, including a good amount of sugar.
By eating a diet high in vegetables and fruits, you can help counteract the negative effects of a low-sugar diet by providing your body with the nutrients it craves. You don’t need to eat a ton of sugar-packed foods to make a difference. But make sure you’re consuming enough of the right foods to make a positive impact on your diet.
You struggle with frequent headaches
Do you find yourself dealing with frequent headaches? If so, it could be due to a low-sugar diet. Again, vegetables and fruits are high in sugar. And they are also high in vitamins and minerals that are important to your health. If you’re not consuming enough vegetables and fruits, your body is likely missing out on these important nutrients, which can result in frequent headaches.
You’re constantly feeling lethargic
If you’re feeling lethargic all the time, it could be a sign that you need more sugar in your diet. Again, vegetables and fruits are packed full of important vitamins and minerals, including a good amount of sugar.
If you’re not getting enough of these foods, your body will lack the energy it needs to function optimally. If you’re feeling constantly lethargic, try adding more vegetables and fruits to your diet to make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need. You can also get some energy boost from a supplement like Morning Complete, or something similar. Read this guide to learn more about where to buy Morning Complete for your daily energy boost.
Your immune system is compromised
If your immune system is compromised, your body won’t be able to fight off infections as well as it normally would. If you’re lacking in certain vitamins and minerals, you can experience a lower immune system.
Because vegetables and fruits are high in sugar (and vitamins and minerals), a low-sugar diet can lead to a compromised immune system. Make sure to eat enough sugar-rich foods to avoid a compromised immune system.
Your breath stinks (and not in a good way)
Do you notice that your breath smells like something died in your mouth? If so, it’s possible that your diet is too low in sugar. When your body doesn’t have enough energy, it starts using its inner resources as well as the energy from your organs and muscles.
Your breath is made up of bacteria, so when your body is using your internal resources, it can affect the number of bacteria on your breath, which can make it smell bad. Eating sugar-rich foods can help avoid this unfortunate side effect of a low-sugar diet.
You constantly feel depressed and anxious
Do you feel depressed and anxious all the time? If so, you may be deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. Once again, vegetables and fruits contain these important nutrients, including sugar.
If you’re not consuming enough of these foods, you can experience feelings of depression and anxiety. When you’re lacking in important nutrients, your body can’t function optimally, which can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety.
Sugar isn’t as bad for you as people make it out to be. It’s important to understand the different types of sugar and where you can get them from. Sugar is necessary for your body to function properly, so make sure you’re getting enough by eating the right foods. These seven signs suggest that you may need more sugar in your diet.