9 Jobs That Have Proven to Be Recession-Proof
Job hunting can be a daunting prospect at the best of times. But with the U.S. economy still reeling from the coronavirus pandemic, searching for employment in an unforgiving job market can be downright scary. Mapping out your career path and finding internship opportunities may be a little tricky at the moment too, but look on the bright side: you now have the chance to make your career recession-proof, not only for this recession, but for the next one after. If you’re in the middle of planning your career, here are some recession-proof jobs you should seriously consider pursuing in 2020.
- Registered Nurse – If there is one job that has shown itself to be recession-proof over the years, it’s definitely nursing. According to an analysis published in Monthly Labor Review, nursing employment and wages actually increased during the Great Recession (2007-2009). Even before the coronavirus pandemic struck, nurses were in extremely high demand due to a combination of high-turnover rates, lack of nursing educators, and an aging population requiring more healthcare services. You can get a bachelor’s degree in nursing as a foundation of your career. Nursing is arguably one of the toughest healthcare positions out there, especially now as we face a global pandemic. But if you have what it takes to be a nurse, expect to be rewarded with job security and a high-paying salary.
- Management Analyst – Business owners want to do everything they possibly can to increase their profits, especially during a recession. That’s why management analysts (MAs) rank particularly high as a recession-proof job. Management analysts (also called management consultants) are savvy business professionals who help improve a company’s efficiency by solvingoperational problems that could be wreaking havoc on their bottom line. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), management analyst jobs are expected to grow 14 percent through 2028, which is much faster than average.
- Auto Mechanic – Once a recession hits, people tend to hold off on buying big-ticket items like brand-new vehicles. Although that’s tough luck for car salespeople, it’s great news for auto mechanics who may find themselves busy fixing up people’s old clunkers. Automotive service technicians and mechanics make a decent wage (over $42K per year) and require nothing more than a high school diploma or equivalent to get started. But if the job market is especially tough, you may want to consider getting voluntary certification to enhance your resume.
- IT Professionals – Let’s face it, technology isn’t going anywhere. As long as there are companies who rely on complex software systems, there will always be a need for information technology (IT) workers. IT professionals are the ones who work on the behind-the-scenes technology that keep our computer networks up and running smoothly — and they get paid handsomely for it, too. According to BLS, software developers with a bachelor’s degree can make more than $105K per year, while web developers with an associate’s degree can make over $73K. Want double protection from the recession? Consider becoming an IT worker in the healthcare industry.

- Professors and Teachers – Teaching is often considered to be a recession-proof job. However, others disagree. Although it’s true that finding a teaching job during a recession can be rather difficult, there is evidence to show that being a teacher when a recession hits can pay off. According to research from Stanford, college students are more likely to enroll and stay in college during a recession. Researchers say this is because jobs and promotions are harder to come by in a recession, which encourages people to enroll in college or reverse their decision to drop out.
- Substance Abuse Counselor – Sadly, we need drug and alcohol addiction counselors more than ever. The ongoing opioid epidemic is still tearing families apart. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 70 percent of drug overdose deaths now involve an opioid. When times are tough, people who are struggling with addiction may be more likely to seek an escape through substance abuse. A substance abuse counselor can help provide treatment and support for those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. According to BLS, substance abuse counselor jobs are expected to grow 22 percent through 2028.
- Law Enforcement – The relationship between crime and economic recessions is complicated. Although logic would have us believe that crime rates increase during times of economic turmoil, statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) show a decrease in crime during our last recession (2007-2009). Even so, law enforcement officers are always needed to protect the community. Plus, you’d be working for Uncle Sam, which may offer you a little more protection against a recession.
- Mortician – People will always die, recession or not. That may be a somewhat morbid thought, but it’s the simple truth. The average funeral service worker makes around $28 per hour, and you can potentially earn more if you snag a management position. Even better news? The job is projected to grow four percent over the next decade. That’s not bad for a stable job requiring only two years of formal education, supervisor training, and a state licensing exam.

- Pharmacy Technician – If you’re in the market for a career change, consider becoming a pharmacy technician. Pharmacy technicians fill medications while working under the supervision of a pharmacist. Since this job falls under the healthcare sector, it naturally offers some protection against recessions. It also has a relatively low barrier of entry. Many pharmacy techs are trained on the job, while some employers require additional certification.
Keeping a Positive Attitude
We won’t sugarcoat it. This year will likely be a tough one for job-seekers. Even though job hunting may feel daunting at times, it’s important to keep a positive attitude as best you can. Your mental outlook could be the difference between scoring a new opportunity or tanking your ability to be hired.