Ways to Help Prevent Overwhelming Hospitals These Days

One of the reasons why we have to stay home as a result of government guidelines is to prevent meltdown of health care services and hospitals.

Given the current pandemic that we’re facing, many hospitals are experiencing an acute lack of beds and medical staff. If you can get away with not visiting hospital you’ll be helping in some small way in avoiding overwhelming the services.

Stay home 

The reason why we need to distance from other people socially is that we don’t want to get infected or potentially spread the virus to others. If you end up with an infection, you might get hospitalised. Doctors are already attending to the needs of thousands of patients struck down by COVID 19.

You could be one of them if you end up testing positive for coronavirus. It might be difficult to stay home, but it’s better than being in the hospital. When the hardest part is over, you can get back to your regular life. It might take a while, but we will get there.

Call the local hospital before going there

If you experience some symptoms related to coronavirus infection, you should follow the guidelines and self isolate at home. You may have mild symptoms, so there’s probably no need to go to a hospital.

If you do, you need to provide information so you can get triaged appropriately. You also don’t want to run the risk of infecting other patients or indeed medical staff.

Be truthful about your symptoms and history

When asked about your symptoms, you have to be truthful. Not everyone gets tested for COVID-19. However, if you have all the possible symptoms of the illness, you will receive appropriate treatment. The same thing is true with regards to your travel history.

Your chances of becoming infected are higher if you recently arrived from a high risk region such as Italy, Spain or the USA for example. Again, you don’t want to expose the medical staff to the virus because you weren’t truthful about your symptoms and travel history.

Stay healthy 

While you’re at home, you have to stay healthy. You might end up with other illnesses that will require you to go to the hospital. Try to exercise as often as you can.

You can follow some exercise tutorial videos online if you couldn’t go out to have a walk. Try modifying your diet to include more fresh fruit and vegetables and avoid where possible any processed foods.

Avoid sitting the entire day on your couch while watching your favourite movies. Take vitamin C supplements to help boost your immune system. Walk up and down the stairs a few times more a day; this will help maintain or improve fitness levels if you can’t get out.

Purchase medicines online

Instead of going to a hospital to buy medicines, you can do it online. There are many health conditions which can be treated with over the counter medication. For example, if you suffer from acne or have a fungal nail condition, medication can be bought over the counter at pharmacies.

However, if you need fungal nail tablets for example but are unable to go out at this time, you can order online and have the medication delivered direct to your door.

The most important things to do in these challenging times is to stay safe and stay healthy.


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